Why Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery Is Beneficial

By Pamela Barnes

Undergoing surgery is not a life event to look forward to. It does not matter how major or minor the procedure is. But what choice do humans have but to submit to the fate of being cut open if the situation calls for it. The choice literally becomes a matter of life and death.

Thanks to innovation and technology surgical alternatives are accessible, basically procedures that lessen open surgery complications. A minimally invasive operating method called Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, or SILS, is available now. This procedure only uses one single entry point and this means a lot of things for a patient.

Apart from appendectomy, there are other benefits for laparoscopy. New York has a group of surgeons that offer a SILS procedure of bariatric surgery. This is a surgical procedure to treat morbid obesity. The technique is still in its early stages but there have been many cases of success in New York.

This also means that the probability of hemorrhaging is decreased. Laparoscopic surgery uses a long fiber optic cable that lets the surgeon view the affected area by inserting the cable from a distant but easily accessible location. Compared to the earlier multi port laparoscopy method, SILS only uses the navel as the point of entry.

While there are many ways laparoscopy can be done, Minimal access surgery, more popularly known as MAS, is when surgeons use only a single port for where the procedure is done. This means that the pain the patient feels and the time it takes for them to recover is lessened. As a result, the amount of pain medicine that the patient takes is not as much as he would if going through a normal open surgery.

Abdominal issues that need internal intervention, like appendectomy and cholecystectomy, the removal of the appendix and gall bladder, respectively, are the most common application for SILS. There is less chances for the gastrointestinal tract to be out in the open and vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can cause complications of the stomach lining. These are the most likely causes of problems during open surgery procedures in the abdomen.

There are many types of endoscopy procedures. SILS just happens to have an increasing popularity among practitioners. Despite this, there are still several cons with this process. Movement is restricted and the surgical instruments clash due to the narrowness of the incision to be operated on. The only way surgeons have found a way around this, since the beginning of laparoscopy, is constantly advancing medical technology.

MAS is a procedure that has surprisingly shown a lot of positive feedback from both the people in the medical field and patients. This procedure does not have a rising number of cases with complications such as incision induced hernias and bile duct injuries. Patients would also most favor having less cosmetically damaging operations.

Technology is advancing but still there are difficulties that only a very good surgeon can circumvent when it comes to SILS. It still cannot be overlooked how patients and doctors are up to the challenge of perfecting the method and a longer operating time than to risk fatal complications of other options. Sooner or later, the technology to overcome these technical handicaps should be available.

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